- Pubg mobile m11
PUBG Mobile M11 Royale Pass Release Date: Check out all impending awards with royale spend month 11-Since its consideration, PUBG Mobile has encountered an enormous improvement in its ongoing interaction and client experience. The shiny new royale pass will be coming not long from now. Players can buy the PUBGM M11 Royale Pass in May. How about we find out what's going on in PUBG Mobile M11 Royale Pass..
- Pubg mobile m11 release date
The Month 10 RP season is continuing while the month 11 royale pass will be coming on nineteenth May 2022. Players who have purchased the Royale Pass in a Month 10 will get an EZ License card. Primarily, it will permit them to open the missions for remunerations.
- Pubg mobile m11 rewards
1) At RP 1: Ultimate Trendsetter outfit and Electrotech Scar-L skin.
2) At RP 10: Ultimate Trendsetter Helmet skin.
3) At RP 15: M11-themed emote.
4) At RP 20: Pink pleated Molotov skin.
5) At RP 25: UFO-themed Ornament.
6) At RP 30: Crimson Emblem Plane skin.
7) At RP 35: Fruit Feast UZI skin (Free).
8) At RP 40: M16A4 Mythic skin and Green-themed Helmet skin.
9) At RP 45: UM45 gun skin.
10) At RP 50: Purity Defender Outfit.